Photo stock image library - please read our terms and conditions of use below We hereby grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use one or more of the images in the Phototpoics image library on the terms and conditions explained in the agreement outlined below.
Images listed in the Phototopics stock image library are free for commercial and non-commercial under the following conditions... 1) None of these images may be sold or included as part of a compilation for sale or otherwise, with or without modification of any kind. 2) Use of any images listed on this page that are specifically produced and copyrighted by Photototopics are free to use providing a website link or a legible printed credit to the Phototopics web site URL i.e. accompanies the image if used on another website or reproduced in a printed or electronic publication of any kind. 3) Some titles are linked to a third party web site and are subject to their own terms and conditions of use. Please read them carefully. All images are free to use subject to these terms and conditions. See disclaimer |